                                              Sailing off the beaten track with GIC Voile !

International French Yachting Club
Welcome to our English speaking friends !

GIC, our non-profit sailing association, is well-known in France.
It was founded in 1964. Its head office and training centre is very close to Paris.
We organize about 30 cruises per year all around the world (crews of 6/8 people for 1 to 3 weeks). The average price is ca. 600 € per week (without travel, marina fees and on-board cash).

Where do we sail ? The English Channel, Atlantic Ocean, Irish Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Alaska, Bay of Bengal, Newfoundland, …

This year, we go to 32 destinations

AR 00 le club clea en route

AR 00 le club destination voile

AR 00 le club clea sous voile

We own a 45 feet high sea sailing boat based at Cherbourg. Every year, after spring trainings, the boat leaves Cherbourg or Brest for a long journey of ca. 6 months in 10 to 12 stages.
For example, 2017 : Faroe Islands,   2016 : Baltic Sea to St Petersburg,
                      2015 : Newfoundland, 2014 : Iceland, …
Throughout the year, we also rent sailing boats (keelboats and catamarans) everywhere in the world for 2 or 3-week cruises (for instance: Alaska, British Columbia, Baja California, Spitsbergen, Lofoten Islands, Greece, Croatia, Italy, Balearic Islands, West Indies, Noumea, Thailand, …)

Number of members: 200
Number of skippers: 30 (all volunteers)

All skippers and most members are experienced sailors. We sail in a friendly atmosphere at sea, everyone assists in navigation, maneuvers, cooking, washing dishes, cleaning the boat … During cruises, we take advantage of the stops to visit the main points of interest.

Training : GIC organizes several trainings per year, mainly in Spring: advanced skipper training (including a 3 days theoretical course and a one week training cruise), advanced navigation software (MaxSea), maneuvers training on 45 feet sailboats (keelboat and catamaran), weather forecast, astronavigation, …

Training programs.

Website : GIC has an extensive website oriented to high sea sailing.It shows the program of the year, offers cruise stories, has a section on safety at sea, weather topics, useful links, etc...

AR 00 le club formation

Sailors, come and sail with us!
Yachting clubs, take a partnership with us!
We welcome you in English!

GIC Voile
Phone : +33 1 47 48 02 11
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